Monday, September 1

Salúdense Unos a Otros con un Beso Santo

Already we have met a lot of people here in Uruguay. However, we have not shook near as many hands. That's because they don't really shake hands in Uruguay. No, they kiss. When I first heard this, I thought it was going to take a lot of getting used to but it really hasn't been that bad. It's real simple, just touch cheek to cheek and make a little kissing sound. We've had to do it a lot, especially yesterday at church. In fact, (probably because of the verse in I Corinthians) you're not supposed to leave church until you've kissed everyone there. Luckily, the congregation next door is not that big.
So whether you're going or coming, in church, or just meeting friends on the street, you better be ready to pucker up.


Anonymous said...

Aaron! We all miss you so much! And by 'we' I mostly mean me. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Aaron, I am so excited by your adventure and look forward to hearing about all you do and seeing your pictures. I enjoyed our talks this summer and can't wait for more in the future. Enjoy the Ride.
